Thursday, October 22, 2009
I get the news I need on the weather report
Sau de pe Vreau sa avem si noi o revista de muzica faina. Demult, tare demult, era Sunete. Acum pe hartie n-am mai vazut-o in Bucuresti, iar pe net arata a blog si nu-mi place. Inteleg ca cei care incearca sa puna pe picioare o treaba de genul asta sa inceapa cu un blog (ca no wave), dar de ce sa incepi cu o revista, si apoi sa treci la blog?
In fine, problema mea e ca la noi n-ai de unde sa afli chestii despre muzica decat cautand singur. Nimeni nu scrie pentru romani asa ceva. Exemplul pe care l-am dat, cu blogul, e bun, doar ca nu e ceva oficial. Nu sunt interviuri, galerii foto, polluri, chestii. Plus ca una e sa citesti pe net, si alta pe hartie. Call me old-fashioned, but I still treasure the value of a cover. Si e trist sa vezi ca pana si capitolul asta, presa muzicala romaneasca, e mirific, dar lipseste cu desavarsire. Deci Q e inca un motiv sa vreau in Anglia.
Ca tot vorbim de muzica, inca doua melodii faine: The Kissaway trail - 61 si Belle & Sebastian - The boy with the arab strap.
Btw, asta e un post cu prea multe linkuri :P
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The danger of a single story
If there is one talk that you have to see on TED, it's this one. I just had to share this, because after watching it, it felt so true and beautiful, it made me cry.
Ideas worth spreading
TED este un site unde poti urmari diversi oameni, experti sau artisti, care vorbesc cam 20 minute in cadrul unei conferinte despre ce stiu ei cel mai bine. Unele speechuri sunt amuzante, altele revealing, altele doar frumoase. Ultima oara am vazut o tipa, fotografa, care a vorbit despre 2 dintre proiectele ei si a povestit nitel despre fiecare fotografie pe care a arata-o. Aici.
Vinerea trecuta a fost o astfel de conferinta la Bucuresti, la care vorbitorii au fost numai romani. Evident ca nu aveam de unde sa fac rost de invitatie. Dar in curand o sa-i pot vedea pe site.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Some surprise
I usually find comfort in the old and familiar things: old friends, familiar places, same situations I know I can handle. New things are exciting, but also very scary. My only hope is that I can pretty much instantly drop the fear and embrace the new and learn to love it. But I'm not at ease. Not right away. Today was the first time something new actually made me feel comfortable. New things are good, whether it's people, places (especially places), music, feelings. It's by no means out with the old, but it's definitely in with the new
It was about time
...I discovered Damien Rice. Or Lisa Hannigan. Or maybe it was just about time I discovered this song. Her voice is just so soft, sweet, almost soothing. I love the way she pronounces the sounds, her little Brazilian accent with English tints. The words just flow and it doesn't even matter I can't really understand them. There are lots of songs out there that make me happy, but this one has its own special way.
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